June 18, 2010

Gel Electrophoresis Cookies

More science cookies for my IB Bio teacher! These are gel electrophoresis runs, the bands are the different DNA, which separates out according to size. The smaller, lighter segments of DNA travel the farthest away from the wells when connected to electricity and the larger ones travel the shortest distance. These were fun to make, but a little challenging. In order for the bands to be flush with the background I had to make sure I added the pink bands immediately after I put the blue background on. These cookies were really fun to make and they were also really messy to make, especially trying to separate out all of the icing to make it the different colors.

1 comment:

  1. Aw Zoe, you are the cutest, coolest person ever! I love your style. Awesome crafts and yummies! -Krista
