July 22, 2013

Blackberry Sorbet

  • 2 1/2cups fresh blackberries pureed with 1/2 cup cold water until smooth
  • 1cup granulated sugar
  • 2tablespoons lemon juice from 1 large lemon
  • 1tablespoon vodka (I used unflavored, but feel free to experiment with various flavors, etc.) 

1. Combine berry puree, sugar, lemon juice, and alcohol in large bowl. Stir on and off for several minutes until sugar has dissolved. (Or, to speed chilling process in next step, combine ingredients in a metal bowl set over a larger bowl filled with ice water.) Rub finger along bottom of bowl to see if sugar has dissolved.

  1. 2. Pour mixture into small container. Seal and refrigerate until mixture is no more than 40 degrees. (If mixture has been stirred over a bowl of ice water, it may already be cold enough, and this step may be omitted.)
  2. 3. Pour chilled mixture into container of an ice cream machine and churn until frozen, about 20-30 minutes depending on your ice cream machine.
  3. 4. Scoop frozen sorbet into a container. Seal and transfer container to freezer for several hours to allow sorbet to firm up. (Sorbet can be kept frozen for up to 3 days.)

    The alcohol in the sorbet allows for a very creamy, smooth texture; however, the sorbet will never be very hard, even after freezing for several hours. This is a great sorbet, albeit very sweet, you could try and modify the sweetness by adding less sugar, just keep in mind that some of the sweetness will be reduced when freezing.  

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